Start Your Journey Today

Group Classes

Experience Breathwork with others in a group to grow connected in a shared Breathwork experience. We focus on growth and healing individually, and find strength and courage to do so in a group. We offer private group sessions, corporate presentations, and Breathwork for children. You are welcome to join an open group session as they become available. Group sessions are approximately 90 minutes long.

Couples Breathwork

In a couples Breathwork session, you will develop a deeper intimacy, love, connection, forgiveness and understanding with your loved one. Couple sessions are offered privately, or in a group setting with other couples. Couple sessions are approximately 75-90 minutes long.

Private Sessions

Experience a facilitated Breathwork session with Emily while she leads you through a personalized, private experience to give the growth, discovery and healing you desire. Private sessions are approximately 45 minutes long.

Empower Your Breath, Empower Your Life!